All our pictures are offered in a variety of formats to suit every pocket and every requirement, from A5 prints on high gloss photographic card to A2 canvas.

All pictures are printed with a border. Images do not bleed to the edge.

Printed images are set at 300 dpi

Blank greetings card: 135mm x 135mm on 240gsm, includes envelope

High gloss photo card: A5, A4 on 190gsm A3 on 260gsm

Poster: A2, A1

Canvas: A3, A2

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Create your own special picture by adding a touch of colour to a black and white print.  Click here for more details.

Add a touch of colour To a black & white print Art - Statues 29 pictures
Paul and Virginia Europe by Patrick MacDowell Highland Mary in Sefton Park
Asia by J H Foley Africa by William Theed II Paul and Virginia Hera Woman riding Lion Woman riding Lion Collection of statues Collection of statues Collection of statues Collection of statues Ino and Bacchus Only a halfpenny America by John Bull Ellen Jane and Marianna at Lichfield Cathedral Boy at the well Statue of a child Statue of a woman and child Paul and Virginia Statue of a woman Soap bubbles Hera Statue of a woman Hands up Statue of an Angel and woman The Colossi
Water babies